How to help your baby learn to crawl

Babies are so much fun to watch, but it can be hard to know how to help them learn. If you're wondering how to help your baby learn to crawl, We're here for you.

First, let's get one thing out of the way: crawling is not a developmental milestone that every baby reaches on time. Some babies start crawling as early as four months old; others don't start until they're closer to six months or even later. That's perfectly normal.

Get on all fours.

Now it's time to start the crawling process. Get on all fours, with your baby behind you and facing towards you. If they are too young to crawl yet, this will give them the best chance of seeing what you are doing and copying it themselves.

If your baby doesn't seem interested in getting on all fours at first, try again later when they're more alert and awake.

Give the baby tummy time to explore.

Once you've helped the baby learn how to move their arms and legs, it's time for the next step: tummy time. This is a crucial part of the crawling process because it helps babies build up strength in their muscles.

Tummy time should be done at least once a day in addition to playtime throughout the day. As with any activity, ensure that you keep your baby safe and secure by following these tips:

  • Make sure your baby is comfortable temperature-wise; if they're too hot or cold, they may lose interest in playing on their tummies altogether.
  • Use an appropriate surface (like a soft blanket) so that you don't have to worry about them rolling off onto something hard like the flooring or carpeting (which could cause injury). Avoid using anything with sharp edges such as cardboard boxes, this can hurt their face or head if they happen upon one while exploring. If possible, use Smiling Gaia Baby Lounger Nest, so there aren't sharp corners digging into their body either which would prevent them from enjoying themselves as much as possible during this important stage of development."

Encourage your baby to reach for things.

If your baby isn't yet crawling, place objects within reach of your little one. When she's on the floor, let her explore the objects by pushing them around with her hands and fingers. If you're using a high chair or walker, position toys just in front of your baby so that she has to reach for them.

If your child is already taking steps forward and backward on their own, then place objects just out of reach so that they must crawl toward them to get closer. For example, place a toy at one end of a blanket or towel, and roll up the other end so that it creates an incline leading up to where the toy sits; when the baby gets close enough he'll be able to reach it with his arms (and possibly mouth).

Play peek-a-boo.

Playing peek-a-boo is a great way to encourage your baby to reach for things. It's also a good way to get him or her used to the idea of having their face covered by your hands.

It's important that you make eye contact with your baby as you play peek-a-boo because this will help him or her understand what's going on and where he or she should look when his or her face is covered by your hands.

When playing, always say "peek-a-boo" before covering his or her face (or legs) with your hand(s).

Put toys out of reach.

If your baby is ready to crawl but not quite ready to do so, you can help her along by putting toys out of reach. She'll want to get those toys, and this will encourage her to crawl.

Toys that are close enough for your baby to touch but too far away for her to grab make her want to move closer. This is a great way to encourage crawling, which is the first step in learning how to walk.

You can also put toys within reach and let your baby pull them back toward herself as she crawls. This will encourage her to move forward, which also helps with their walking development.

Set up a mini obstacle course.

Setting up a mini obstacle course for your baby to crawl through is another great way to encourage them to use their new skills and explore their world. This can be as simple or elaborate as you like, so long as the space is safe for your little one.

It’s also important to make sure they don’t get bored with it because they might not want to try something new unless they have seen the benefits of doing so in the past (more on that later).

Here are some ideas for how you can use an obstacle course with your baby:

  • Encourage crawling by placing toys on each side of the course and making sure there is plenty of room for them to crawl through without getting stuck or hurt by anything around them. You could put some small obstacles like pillows into this area too so that when he gets there, he has learned how to navigate around objects without falling down or missing his target (i.e., reaching a toy).
  • Practice new skills while they're at it. If your child is learning how to crawl on his hands and knees, give him something fun like balloons filled with paint instead of just letting him play with toys in another room somewhere; this way he can still have fun while practicing those crucial motions needed before moving onto independent walking later down the road.

Spread the fun around the house.

Your baby is starting to explore their new world, and they will want to do so in every room of your home. Try placing toys in different rooms so that they can crawl from room to room by themselves. Avoid placing toys on shelves where they might get knocked off or lost. If you have an older child who already knows how to use a step stool or ladder, encourage him or her to place toys within reach for your little one when she crawls into new territory.

If you’re staying at home with your baby all day long, try sitting on the floor as much as possible while playing with them. This will give them more opportunity for crawling practice since it makes it easier for them if there are no obstacles between them and what they want (or need).

Use lots of fun visual, auditory, and tactile stimulation to help your baby learn to crawl

Use lots of fun visual, auditory, and tactile stimulation to help your baby learn to crawl.

If you are teaching your baby to crawl is to get them comfortable moving around in different positions. The best way to do this is by using lots of fun visual, auditory, and tactile stimulation. This will help your baby learn how to move around while also learning about the world around them.

Visual Stimulation: Your baby's vision is still developing at this point, so make sure that you keep the room well-lit. You can also use bright colors for their toys and items that are in their path as they progress through crawling. This will help them focus on where they're going.

Auditory Stimulation: When babies are learning about their environment there's a lot going on inside their heads. The sounds around them can be overwhelming at times, so make sure that you have some white noise playing in the background when you're working with your baby on crawling. Try using music as well - it can really help get your baby moving.

Tactile Stimulation: Your baby is learning all kinds of things right now. They're figuring out how their body works and what makes it tick so it's important that you give them plenty of opportunities to explore their environment. The more they can feel, touch, and manipulate things in their hand the more they will understand them and what they're capable of doing with them.


The best way to help your baby learn to crawl is by providing him with lots of opportunities to practice. This will increase his motivation and encourage him to keep trying, even when it’s frustrating. Keep in mind that the crawling stage doesn’t last forever, before you know it, he'll be walking.