How to Take Care of Your Newborn Baby’s Skin

Your baby’s skin is the last frontier to conquer. And you need to start doing it right away. I know that you’re already overwhelmed with a million other things to take care of, but don’t let your newborn baby’s skin get neglected. Here are some quick tips on how to keep your baby's skin healthy:

To keep your newborn baby dry, use bamboo washcloths.

Bamboo is a green, renewable resource and it's also gentle on your newborn's sensitive skin. Using bamboo washcloths will help keep your baby dry and happy. These benefits include:

Bamboo is extremely soft and absorbent, making it perfect for delicate skin. It also lasts longer than other materials such as cotton or microfiber because it doesn't need to be replaced as often. Bamboo fibers are naturally antimicrobial, which means they inhibit the growth of bacteria better than other cloths do. Plus, bamboo is eco-friendly (no more toxins leaching into our waterways from disposable diapers). Finally, these washcloths cost less than cotton, so you'll save money over time.

Bamboo is a natural antibacterial and antifungal agent, which means it's great for keeping your newborn baby's skin healthy and clean. It also feels so soft against their delicate skin.

Smiling Gaia bamboo baby washcloths are made with natural fibers and no chemicals or dyes. They're hypoallergenic, so you can use them on any baby without worrying about irritations or allergic reactions. And the designs are adorable. They come in packs of three or five for easy washing.

There's nothing more important than keeping your newborn baby happy and healthy, so make sure to give them the best care possible by using Smiling Gaia bamboo baby washcloths from Smiling Gaia.

Avoid using talcum powder.

The American Cancer Society recommends that you avoid using talcum powder on your newborn's skin. Talc is a mineral that can be found in many baby powders and lotions. It's typically used to absorb moisture and keep the skin dry. However, when applied to the genitals of a baby, it can cause irritation and inflammation of the genital area. Talcum powder also can cause respiratory problems if inhaled by a child or adult with asthma or other respiratory illness.

Talcum powder may be linked to cancer because studies have shown that people who use talcum powder on their genitals have an increased risk of developing ovarian cancer later in life.

Clean the umbilical cord.

Clean the umbilical cord. The skin around your baby's navel is still very sensitive, so don't use anything with alcohol or soap on it. Instead, gently pat a washcloth dipped in warm water over her belly button and surrounding area until you see no more blood or yellow gunk coming out of the umbilical stump. You can also use a cotton ball to clean off any extra discharge from around the base of your newborn's belly button after each feeding session. Make sure that whatever item you use has never been used before by anyone else.

Don’t over-bathe your newborn.

You should only bathe your newborn once or twice a week. Bathing too often can dry out the skin and remove natural oils, which can irritate the skin and cause skin problems.

Moisturize regularly and frequently.

After a bath, use lotion or oil to keep your baby’s skin moisturized. Use lotions and oils that are made for babies, as many adult products contain chemicals that can be irritating to newborns' skin. A good rule of thumb is if you wouldn't put it on your own skin, don't put it on your or your child's.

Your newborn should have at least one bath a day but no more than three, more frequent baths can dry out the skin and cause irritation. Wash with lukewarm water and use gentle soap when bathing your baby; avoid using products with fragrances as they may irritate their sensitive skin as well as cause allergic reactions later in life. If possible, give your baby regular massages with lotion after each bath to help her develop healthy circulation throughout her body

Protect your child from sunburn.

You should apply sunscreen to all exposed skin, including the face, neck and ears. Apply it at least 15 minutes before going outside and then every 2 hours, especially if you’re swimming or sweating a lot. Be sure to reapply if you’ve gotten wet or have been in the water because water makes sunscreen less effective. Use a high-SPF sunscreen with an ingredient that helps protect against UVA damage (Titanium dioxide or zinc oxide), especially if your child will be outside for extended periods of time.

Use gentle laundry detergent.

Using gentle laundry detergent is important because babies have sensitive skin. If you choose to use a detergent with fragrance, make sure it's natural and uses essential oils (no artificial fragrances). You should also avoid using anything with bright colors on your baby's clothing.

Detergents containing softeners or optical brighteners are not recommended for babies under 6 months old, as the chemicals can irritate the skin and cause rashes.

You can keep your baby's skin healthy by keeping it moisturized.

You can keep your baby's skin healthy by keeping it moisturized. Babies have much more delicate skin than adults, so you need to be careful about what you put on the baby's body. Since babies are in a constant state of growth and development, their skin is susceptible to drying out. This can lead to irritations such as diaper rash. To prevent this from happening, make sure that you moisturize your baby's body regularly and use only natural products on them.


Taking care of your newborn baby’s skin is a lot like taking care of your own. It requires attention, regular cleaning, and moisturizing. There are some differences though: babies don't have as much control over their bodies as adults do, so you may need to step in to help them out.

And remember that every baby is different. Some will have sensitive skin from birth while others develop it later on; some will get dry patches easily while others rarely ever do (or at least not until they're older). The best thing you can do is just keep an eye out for trouble signs and get professional advice when needed.